Craft & Decor Rope

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Get started on your next crafting project with cotton, manila, and sisal ropes. Advanced crafters can improve or create new techniques, and beginners can practice and learn different skills of knitting, crocheting, macramé, and knotting. From soft and smooth textured material to rough and rustic designed rope, the options are endless when it comes to the world of crafting.

Natural Cotton Rope

Natural Cotton Rope

Natural Cotton Rope is unbleached, undyed, and grown in the USA. Most other cotton rope is made from a blend of polyester or acrylic fibers, but ours is 100% cotton. Give your Macramé and knotting crafts a natural, homespun look. While our cotton...
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Manila Rope - Multiple Sizes

Manila Rope

Made from the Abaca plant, Manila rope largely replaced hemp 200 years ago. Being 20% stronger, and much more economical than hemp, manila rope captures the imagination of people today as being quintessentially nautical and industrial. Widely used for...
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Sisal Rope

Sisal Rope

Our 100% natural sisal fiber rope is one of the most durable natural-fiber rope. While exceeded by manila rope in weight rating, sisal is more resistant to rot than manila. It is also is more resistant to breaking down in salt water and in...
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Twisted Colored Cotton Rope

Twisted Colored Cotton Rope

Three Strand Twisted Cotton Rope is colored with non-toxic dyes. Most other cotton rope is made from a blend of polyester or acrylic fibers, but our is 100% cotton. Add a pop of color to your macrame, knotting, and knitting crafts. They are available in...
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Diamond Braid Cotton Awning Cord

Awning cord has a wide range of uses. Our sturdy and durable cord is constructed with interlacing cotton. This provides a soft feel while still maintaining a 175 lb. tensile strength. Perfect for lightweight pulley systems and tying down small cargo...
Jute Rope

Jute Rope

100% natural hemp jute cord is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Embrace sustainability with this eco-conscious material. The natural softness and flexibility of the jute cord make it easy to handle and perfect for intricate projects. Enjoy the...
Nylon Webbing

Nylon Webbing

Nylon webbing is an awesome option to keep on hand for a variety of needs. Tie down cargo, replace straps on backpacks and camping bags, hang food containers, it can even be used for replacement straps and DIY crafting. Nylon provides a super strong hold...
Polypropylene Webbing

Polypropylene Webbing

Polypropylene is a water-resistant plastic that does not stretch or wear down from friction and is able to float, making it perfect to keep in a boat as a utility rope. Due to its strength and low stretch rating and weather resistance, polypropylene...
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